Each spring, the CMU community gathers to honor distinguished faculty and educators for outstanding contributions in the areas of...
Substantial & Sustained Contributions to Education
Teaching Excellence & Innovation | Advising & Mentorship | Outreach & Service
Substantial & Sustained Contributions to Education
Doherty Award for Sustained Excellence in Education
Award criteria: This award recognizes a member of the Carnegie Mellon University community for substantial and sustained contributions to excellence in education, above and beyond teaching courses and mentoring students, based on:
- contributions to the development, implementation and evaluation of innovative and/or impactful educational programs and/or materials at all levels,
- the creation and maintenance of learning environments at CMU that foster excellence in education, including, but not limited to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging, and/or
- impacts on enhancing higher education via scholarship and/or service resulting in the development, dissemination and/or adoption of evidence-based, high-impact, and/or transformational educational practices, at CMU and beyond.
Teaching Excellence & Innovation
Ryan Award for Meritorious Teaching
Award criteria: This award recognizes sustained devotion to and effectiveness in teaching undergraduate or graduate students across one’s teaching career at Carnegie Mellon University based on:
- outstanding, innovative, and inclusive course design and classroom teaching,
- effective design and impactful implementation of new learning materials,
- excellent mentorship of student research or creative projects,
- impacts on the professional development of graduate- and undergraduate student instructors as current and future educators, and/or
- long-term impacts on students.
Teaching Innovation Award
Award criteria: This award recognizes innovative teaching practices at the level of individual Carnegie Mellon University courses, class sessions, or assessments based on the:
- originality of a teaching strategy or how it was implemented,
- impact on student learning and/or engagement, and/or
- potential to adopt the teaching strategy (or key elements thereof) within or across disciplines.
Innovative topical course content (e.g., the first course on ice hockey analytics) is NOT a criterion or sufficient for this award.
Graduate Student Teaching Award
Award criteria: This award recognizes excellence in teaching by graduate student instructors at Carnegie Mellon University based on outstanding and effective:
- teaching in the classroom, laboratory or studio, review sessions, and/or office hours,
- creation or use of new and innovative teaching methods and course materials,
- design and/or delivery of impactful and innovative courses, and/or
- use of inclusive teaching practices that support all students.
Advising & Mentorship
Award for Outstanding Contributions to Academic Advising and Mentoring
Award criteria: This award recognizes the achievement of excellence in advising undergraduate students at Carnegie Mellon University based on sustained and outstanding:
- support in helping students define and achieve their academic goals,
- impacts on students’ personal development and long-term career goals, and/or
- contributions to enhancing the effectiveness of academic advising at CMU.
Lazarus Award for Student and Faculty Mentoring
Award criteria: This award recognizes sustained and exemplary contributions to fostering a welcoming and nurturing environment for graduate students and junior faculty at Carnegie Mellon University based on:
- excellence in mentorship,
- long-term influence on mentees’ personal and professional development, and/or
- impacts fostering equity, inclusion, well-being, and a welcoming climate.
Outreach & Service
Gelfand Service Award for Educational Outreach
Award criteria: This award recognizes sustained and exemplary contributions in educational outreach based on:
- engaging CMU students in working with individuals or groups to share their knowledge and broaden access to educational experiences in local or global communities,
- embedding effective community-based learning activities within academic coursework, and/or
- facilitating a deliberate process of student reflection to advance their own learning experience, teach social responsibility and improve some aspect of life in the community.
Graduate Student Service Award
Award criteria: This award recognizes exemplary service provided by graduate students to improve the graduate student experience at Carnegie Mellon University based on exemplary contributions towards:
- advancing the interests of fellow graduate students,
- improving graduate students’ quality of life on campus, and/or
- contributions serving the larger academic community at the department-, college- or university-level, including, but not limited to enhancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
Note: This is NOT a teaching award and does not recognize a graduate student’s contributions as a teaching assistant or instructor of record.