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Carnegie Mellon University

Roy Nicolaides

Professor Emeritus

Department of Mathematical Sciences
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213


Charles V. Coffman


Ph.D., University of London


My main interest lies in getting accurate information from mathematical models using partial differential equations. In recent times I have worked on models from electrodynamics, fluid mechanics, materials science and mathematical finance. The techniques used most are finite difference and finite element methods and, for integral equations, moment methods. This type of mathematics has a practical side (developing algorithms, writing programs and nicely displaying the results) and a theoretical side (mainly, proving rates of convergence and obtaining complexity estimates for many different kinds of algorithms). These two aspects are—or should be—inseparable and I hope that this is reflected in my research activities and those of my students.

Select Publications

R. A. Nicolaides et. al. (eds.) Compatible Spatial Discretizations, Springer (2006).

T. G. Campbell, R. A. Nicolaides and M. Salas (eds.) Computational Electromagnetics and its Applications, Kluwer (1997)

R. A. Nicolaides and N. Walkington. MAPLE-A Comprehensive Introduction, Cambridge University Press (1996)

M. D. Gunzburger and R. A. Nicolaides (eds.) Incompressible Computational Fluid Dynamics—Trends and Advances, Cambridge University Press (1994)