Carnegie Mellon University

V. How the University Responds to Reports

A. Supportive Measures

The university is committed to helping Complainants and Respondents continue their education and employment after a report of alleged Prohibited Conduct. Regardless of whether Complainant chooses to pursue an Alternative Resolution Process, grievance procedures, or no further process, the Title IX Coordinator or a designated university official conducts an initial assessment to determine next steps and will initiate contact the Complainant to discuss the availability of Supportive Measures. Respondents will also be offered supportive measures after receiving a Notice of Allegation.

Supportive Measures are non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services, assistance, and other measures that the university offers and may put in place, without fee or charge, as appropriate and available, after receiving a Report of possible Prohibited Conduct. Supportive Measures are designed to restore or preserve access to the University’s Programs and Activities, or provide support during the grievance process or during the Alternative Resolution Process. Supportive Measures cannot be unreasonably burdensome to a party.

Supportive Measures are available before and after a Complaint is filed, and in cases in which no Complaint is filed.

Upon receipt of a Report, the Title IX Coordinator, or their designee, will contact the Complainant (1) to discuss the availability of Supportive Measures and (2) to explain that Supportive Measures are available with or without the filing of a Complaint. The Title IX Case Manager helps determine the appropriate Supportive Measure(s) to be implemented. The Title IX Case Manager will assess with the relevant party the unique facts and circumstances of their situation and identify steps to help the individual meet their educational or employment expectations.

Supportive Measures may be modified or terminated at the conclusion of a grievance process or Alternative Resolution Process.

Examples of Supportive Measures include, but are not limited to:

  • Academic support services and accommodations, including the ability to reschedule classes, exams and assignments, transfer course sections, or withdraw from courses;
  • Academic schedule modifications (typically to separate Complainant and Respondent);
  • Work schedule or job assignment modifications (for university employment);
  • Changes in on-campus work or university housing location;
  • On-campus counseling services and/or assistance in connecting to community-based counseling services;
  • Assistance in connecting to community-based medical services;
  • No contact agreements or orders, which may be mutual or non-mutual; 
  • Temporarily limiting an individual's access to certain university facilities or activities;
  • Information about and/or assistance with obtaining personal protection orders;
  • Leaves of absences;
  • Increased monitoring and security of certain areas of the campus;
  • Options for emergency Housing;
  • Individualized limitations on the parties’ communications and interactions with each other; or
  • A combination of any of these measures.

Changes in class, work, housing, extracurricular, and/or other activities may be made regardless of whether there is or is not a comparable alternative.

The university will maintain Supportive Measures provided to the Complainant or Respondent as confidential to the extent that maintaining such confidentiality would not impair the university’s ability to provide the Supportive Measures or restore or preserve a party’s access to university’s Programs or Activities.

B. Appeals and Modifications of Supportive Measures

Complainants and Respondents may seek modification or reversal of a decision related to the creation, denial, modification, or termination of a Supportive Measure. If a party’s condition materially changes, the individual may seek additional modification or termination of a Supportive Measure applicable to them. Requests for the appeal, modification, or termination of Supportive Measures must be submitted in writing to the IEX Office via email to The decisionmaker on the appeal will be someone other than the person who made the decision being challenged, and who will have the authority to make the requested modification or reversal.