Bruker NEO™ 500 MHz NMR Instrument with Multinuclear Prodigy Cryoprobe
Windows 10 Workstation:
Bruker NMR Suite Software package for acquisition and processing multinuclear and multidimensional NMR data. The suite includes: TopSpin 4.0.3, ICON-NMR, and NMR-SIM.
- UltraShield™ Plus Ascend™compact NMR magnet with 5.4 cm bore, operation field at 11.744 Tesla. Bruker Orthogonal Shim System (BOSS ™-3) with 36 gradient shims.
- Two RF channels high performance digital NEO NMR console with two transceiver units (TRX1200). Each TRX1200 provides a full broad banded transmit and a full broad banded receive channel up to 1.2 GHz.
- BSVT Variable Temperature Control Unit with Low Temperature accessory (Nitrogen Evaporator) and BCU-I, pre-cooling and stabilization accessory, for ultra-precise temperature control from near ambient conditions down to 0oC sample temperature.
- Equipped with Z-only Gradient Assisted Spectroscopy (GRASP ™ II) accessory for the generation of gradients with up to 50 Gauss/cm.
- SampleCase automatic sample changer with convenient sample access at user height. 24 easily accessed sample positions. Manual push-button sample exchange. Supports all common sample-tubes in spinners or shuttles.
- Broadband Observe Multinuclear Prodigy Cryoprobe (5 mm sample diameter) with digital tuning covering the range from 15N to 31P, 1H and 19F. S/N gain 15N-31P: factor ~2 to 3x. S/N gain 1H: factor ~2x. Cold preamplifiers for all nuclei (BB/1H/2H). Z-gradient. 0°C–80°C sample temperature range. Automatic Tuning and Matching (ATM) capabilities.
Bruker Avance™ III 500 MHz NMR Instrument
Windows 7 Workstation:
Bruker NMR Suite Software package for acquisition and processing multinuclear and multidimensional NMR data. The suite includes: TopSpin 3.5p17, ICON-NMR, and NMR-SIM.
- Actively Shielded Superconducting Magnet with 5.4 cm bore, operation field at 11.744 Tesla. Bruker Orthogonal Shim System (BOSS ™-3) with 36 low current and low heat dissipation gradient shims.
- Two RF channels high performance digital NMR console with digital receiver unit (DRUTM).
- BVT-3200 Variable Temperature Control Unit with Low Temperature accessory (Nitrogen Evaporator) and BCU-05, pre-cooling and stabilization accessory, for ultra-precise temperature control from near ambient conditions down to 0oC sample temperature.
- Equipped with Z-only Gradient Assisted Spectroscopy (GRASP ™ II) accessory for the generation of gradients with up to 50 Gauss/cm.
- SampleXpress automatic sample changer, microprocessor controlled with a maximum capacity of 60 samples.
- Multinuclear Inverse Broadband (BBI) probe (5mm sample diameter), 1H observe with broadband decoupling coil tunable from 109Ag to 31P with Automatic Tuning and Matching (ATM) capabilities
- Multinuclear Broadband Fluorine Observe (BBFO PLUS) SMART probe (5 mm sample diameter) with digital tuning covering the range from 15N to 31P as well as 19F with 1H decoupling. Automatic Tuning and Matching (ATM) capabilities.
- Multinuclear broadband observe (BBO) probe (10 mm sample diameter) with digital tuning covering the range from 109Ag to 31P with 1H decoupling. Automatic Tuning and Matching (ATM) capabilities.
- 1 mm TXI (1H, 13C, 15N) microprobe with Atomatic Tuning and Matching (ATM) capabilities.