Graduate Student Awards
International Awards and Honors
Year | Award | Recipient |
2017 | Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting participant | Michael Polen |
2017 | Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting participant | Chenjie Zeng |
2017 | IUPAC-Solvay International Award for Young Chemists | Chenjie Zeng |
2016 | International Precious Metals Institute Graduate Student Award | Yuxiang Chen |
2016 | Reaxys Ph.D. Prize Finalist | Yuxiang Chen |
2015 | STEM Chateaubriand Fellowship | Thomas Ribelli |
2015 | Materials Research Society Graduate Student Gold Award | Chenjie Zeng |
2015 | International Precious Metals Institute Graduate Student Award | Chenjie Zeng |
2015 | Reaxsys Ph.D. Prize Finalist (international) | Chenjie Zeng |
2015 | Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad | Hongkun He |
2015 | Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad | Chenjie Zeng |
2015 | Faculty of the Future Fellowship Award, Schlumberger Foundation | Qing Ye |
2014 | DSM Science and Technology Graduate Student Award, Americas, Royal DSM | Saadyah Averick |
2013 | Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad | Mingjiang Zhong |
2013 | International Precious Metals Institute Graduate Student Award | Santosh Kumar |
2012 | International Precious Metals Institute Graduate Student Award | Huifeng Qian |
2010 | Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad | Huifeng Qian |
2010 | Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad | Wenwen Li |
2007 | Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad | Haifeng Gao |
2005 | Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad | Chuanbing Tang |
Awards and Honors from National Organizations
Year | Award | Recipient |
2017 | ACS Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium, ACS Polymer Division | Yunyan Qiu |
2016 | ACS Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium, ACS Polymer Division | Pawel Krys |
2015 | NSF Graduate Research Fellowship | Michael Polen |
2015 | ACS Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium, ACS Polymer Division | Hongkun He |
2014 | ACS Polymer Chemistry Best Poster Award, ACS National Meeting | Joanna Burdynska |
2013 | ACS Younger Chemists Committee Leadership Development Award | Lea Da Silva Veras |
2013 | ACS Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium, ACS Polymer Division | Mingjiang Zhong |
2012 | U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science Graduate Fellowship | Danielle Chirdon |
2012 | Winifred Burks-Houck Graduate Leadership Award, National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers | Racquel Jemison |
2011 | NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention | Andrew DeYoung |
2011 | ACS Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium, ACS Polymer Division | Wenwen Li |
2010–2011 | Advancing Science Award, National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers | Racquel Jemison |
2010 | NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention | Emily Daniels Weiss |
2010 | Achievements Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Scholar Award | Andrew DeYoung |
2010 | ACS Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium, ACS Polymer Division | Hongchen Dong |
2010 | AkzoNobel Award for Outstanding Graduate Research in Polymer Chemistry | Haifeng Gao |
2009 | NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention | Emily Daniels Weiss |
2009 | ACS Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium, ACS Polymer Division | Renaud Nicolaÿ |
2009 | EPA Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award Certificate | Hongchen Dong |
2009 | EPA Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award Certificate | Laura Anne Mueller |
2008 | Achievements Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Scholar Award | Chase Butler |
2008 | ACS National Starch and Chemical Award for Outstanding Graduate Research in Polymer Chemistry | Nicolay Tsarevsky |
2007 | Achievements Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Scholar Award | Nathaniel Shank |
2007 | ACS Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium, ACS Polymer Division | Ke Min |
2007 | ACS Kenneth G. Hancock Memorial Student Award in Green Chemistry | Arani Chanda |
2007 | American Heart Association, Pre-doctoral Fellowship Award | Michael Yonkunas |
2007 | GEM Fellowship from the National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science, Inc. | Halimatu Mohammed |
2007 | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship | Kimberly Zanotti |
2006 | P.E.O. Scholar Award | Amy Sage |
2006 | ACS Kenneth G. Hancock Memorial Student Award in Green Chemistry | Ke Min |
2006 | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Laura Anne Mueller |
2005 | ACS Kenneth G. Hancock Memorial Student Award in Green Chemistry | Anindya Ghosh |
2003 | ACS Kenneth G. Hancock Memorial Student Award in Green Chemistry | Nicolay Tsarevsky |
1999 | ACS Unilever Award for Outstanding Graduate Research | Scott G. Gaynor |
Regional, University and College Recognition
Year | Award | Recipient |
2017 | Kwolek Presidential Fellowship in Chemistry | Andria Fortney |
2017 | Bruce McWilliams Presidential Fellowship in the Mellon College of Science | Site Li |
2017 | Richard King Mellon Foundation Presidential Fellowship in the Life Sciences | Paul Kornbluh |
2017 | Richard King Mellon Foundation Presidential Fellowship in the Life Sciences | Yogesh Somasundar |
2017 | Richard King Mellon Foundation Presidential Fellowship in the Life Sciences | Jiajun Yan |
2017 | Carnegie Science Center University/Post-Secondary Student Award | Genoa Warner |
2016 | Bruce McWilliams Presidential Fellowship in the Mellon College of Science | Taylor Canady |
2016 | Richard King Mellon Foundation Presidential Fellowship in the Life Sciences | Yogesh Somasundar |
2016 | Kwolek Presidential Fellowship in Chemistry | Chia-Hua Tsai |
2016 | Richard King Mellon Foundation Presidential Fellowship in the Life Sciences | Genoa Warner |
2016 | Richard King Mellon Foundation Presidential Fellowship in the Life Sciences | Jiajun Yan |
2015 | Carnegie Science Center Award for Contributions to Science and the Community | Danielle Chirdon |
2015 | Richard King Mellon Foundation Presidential Fellowship in the Life Sciences | Melissa Lamson |
2015 | Richard King Mellon Foundation Presidential Fellowship in the Life Sciences | Matthew Mills |
2015 | Bruce McWilliams Presidential Fellowship in the Mellon College of Science | Sangwoo Park |
2015 | Richard King Mellon Foundation Presidential Fellowship in the Life Sciences | Genoa Warner |
2015 | Sercomm Presidential Graduate Fellowship | Chenjie Zeng |
2014 | Astrid and Bruce McWilliams Fellowship in the Mellon College of Science | Anindita Das |
2013 | Guy C. Berry Graduate Research Award, Mellon College of Science | Mingjiang Zhong |
2013 | Astrid and Bruce McWilliams Fellowship in the Mellon College of Science | Saumya Saurabh |
2012 | Steinbrenner Institute Graduate Fellowship, Carnegie Mellon University | Adam Ahern |
2012 | Steinbrenner Institute Graduate Fellowship, Carnegie Mellon University | Matthew Mills |
2012 | Astrid and Bruce McWilliams Fellowship in the Mellon College of Science | Mingjiang Zhong |
2011 | Astrid and Bruce McWilliams Fellowship in the Mellon College of Science | Wenwen Li |
2011 | Guy C. Berry Graduate Research Award, Mellon College of Science | Huifeng Qian |
2010 | Astrid and Bruce McWilliams Fellowship in the Mellon College of Science | Rupal Gupta |
2009 | Astrid and Bruce McWilliams Fellowship in the Mellon College of Science | Renaud Nicolaÿ |
2008 | Astrid and Bruce McWilliams Fellowship in the Mellon College of Science | Wei He |
2008 | Guy C. Berry Graduate Research Award, Mellon College of Science | Haifeng Gao |
2007 | Astrid and Bruce McWilliams Fellowship in the Mellon College of Science | Haifeng Gao |
2007 | Astrid and Bruce McWilliams Fellowship in the Mellon College of Science | Andrea Lynn Benvin |
2005 | Guy C. Berry Graduate Research Award, Mellon College of Science | Sebastian Stoian |
Departmental Fellowships
Year | Award | Recipient |
2017 | John and Nancy Harrison Legacy Graduate Fellowship | Thomas Ribelli |
2016 | John and Nancy Harrison Legacy Graduate Fellowship | Genoa Warner |
2016 | Dr. Konrad M. Weis Fellowship Award in Chemistry | Pawel Krys |
2016 | Dr. Julius A. Vida S 1960 '61 Fellowship in Chemistry | Tyler Womble |
2015 | Dr. Konrad M. Weis Fellowship Award in Chemistry | Tatsuya Higaki |
2015 | John and Nancy Harrison Legacy Graduate Fellowship | Yunyan Qiu |
2014 | John and Nancy Harrison Legacy Graduate Fellowship | Hongkun He |
2014 | John and Nancy Harrison Legacy Graduate Fellowship | Chenjie Zeng |
2012 | John and Nancy Harrison Legacy Graduate Fellowship | Saadyah Averick |
2010 | John and Nancy Harrison Legacy Graduate Fellowship | Wenwen Li |
2010 | John and Nancy Harrison Legacy Graduate Fellowship | Greg Thomas Drozd |
2010 | Dr. Konrad M. Weis Fellowship Award in Chemistry | Joshua Allen Hayden |
2008 | Dr. John and Nancy Harrison Legacy Fellowship | Hongchen Dong |
2008 | Joseph A. Solomon Memorial Fellowship | Matthew James Crawford |
2007 | Dr. Konrad M. Weis Fellowship | Anna Zatsman |
2006 | John and Nancy Harrison Fellowship in Chemistry and Biochemistry | Wade Braunecker |
2005 | Joseph A. Solomon Memorial Fellowship in Chemistry | Daniel John Siegwart |
Internships and Summer Institutes (Competitive Applications)
Year | Award | Recipient |
2014 | James R. Swartz Entrepreneurial Fellowship, CMU Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship | Matharishwan Naganbabu |
2012 | Bayer Fellowship | Racquel Jemison |
2012 | Bayer Fellowship | Antonina Simakova |
2010 | Merck Summer Internship | Lea Da Silva Veras |
2008 | Bayer Fellowship | Wenwen Li |
2008 | Bayer Fellowship | John McGann |
2006 | East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) for U.S. Graduate Students Fellowship | Daniel John Siegwart |
2001 | Bayer Fellowship | Ke Min |
Carnegie Mellon Graduate Teaching and Service Awards
2010Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching AwardJesse Allen MillerYear | Award | Recipient |
2015 | Hugh D. Young Graduate Teaching Award, Mellon College of Science | Eric Wu |
2015 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Andria Fortney |
2015 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Christian Legaspi |
2015 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Heather Stout |
2014 | Hugh D. Young Graduate Teaching Award, Mellon College of Science | Emily Daniels Weiss |
2014 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Isaac Mills |
2014 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Jonathan Porras |
2014 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Joshua Worch |
2013 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Lea Veras |
2013 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Eric Wu |
2013 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Emily Daniels Weiss |
2012 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Christian Legaspi |
2012 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Huifeng Qian |
2012 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Lisa Rastede |
2011 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Kelly Chacon-Madrid |
2011 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Jing Kong |
2011 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Ha Pham |
2010 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Hayriye Ünal |
2010 | Carnegie Mellon Graduate Student Service Award | William Chadwick Ellis |
2009 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Martin Christen |
2008 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Nicolae M. Albu |
2008 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | William Chadwick Ellis |
2008 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Matthew James Crawford |
2007 | Co-recipient, Hugh D. Young Graduate Teaching Award, Mellon College of Science | Andrea Lynn Benvin |
2007 | Honorable Mention for the University Graduate Student Teaching Award | Andrea Lynn Benvin |
2006 | Co-recipient, Hugh D. Young Teaching Award, Mellon College of Science | Delia-Laura Popescu |
2006 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Anna Zatsman |
2006 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Brian Francis Cusick |
2004 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Delia-Laura Popescu |
2004 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Amy Sage |
2004 | Department of Chemistry Graduate Teaching Award | Gizelle Sherwood |
Travel Awards (Competitive)
Year | Award | Recipient |
2016 | Edwin N. Lassettre Graduate Travel Award | Adam Ahern |
2016 | Edwin N. Lassettre Graduate Travel Award | Logan Plath |
2016 | ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Travel Award | Yuxiang Chen |
2016 | Student Chapter Officer Travel Grant, SPIE | Christian Legaspi |
2016 | Provost/Graduate Student Assembly Travel Award, Carnegie Mellon University | Christian Legaspi |
2016 | Provost/Graduate Student Assembly Travel Award, Carnegie Mellon University | Matharishwan Naganbabu |
2016 | ACS Biological Chemistry Travel Award | Matharishwan Naganbabu |
2015 | Newport Student Conference Travel Award, SPIE | Christian Legaspi |
2015 | Edwin N. Lassettre Graduate Travel Award | Husain Kagalwala |
2015 | Edwin N. Lassettre Graduate Travel Award | Matharishwan Naganbabu |
2014 | The Biophysical Society Education Travel Award | Jose Flores-Canales |
2014 | National Science Foundation Travel Award | Melissa Lamson |
2014 | Conference Travel Award, American Chemical Society, Pittsburgh Section | Christian Legaspi |
2014 | Provost/Graduate Student Assembly Travel Award, Carnegie Mellon University | Sangwoo Park |
2014 | Edwin N. Lassettre Graduate Travel Award | Chenjie Zeng |
2014 | American Chemical Society (ACS) Division of Inorganic Chemistry Travel Award | Chenjie Zeng |
2013 | POD Network in Higher Education Conference Funding Award | Emily Daniels Weiss |
2013 | Ciba Travel Award in Green Chemistry | Matthew DeNardo |
2013 | Edwin N. Lassettre Graduate Travel Award | Santosh Kumar |
2012 | ACS Travel Grant, Pittsburgh Section | Mingjiang Zhong |
2012 | NSF Scholarship for Participation in 2012 Green Chemistry Gordon Research Conference | Longzhu Shen |
2011 | Black Graduate Student Association Travel Award | Racquel Jemison |
2011 | Provost/Graduate Student Assembly Travel Award, Carnegie Mellon University | Sangwoo Park |
2011 | ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Travel Award | Huifeng Qian |
2011 | Richard A. Schaeffer Memorial Fund Travel Award | Longzhu Shen |
2010 | NSF Travel Award to National Graduate Research Polymer Conference | Alper Nese |
2010 | Travel Award for the 35th International Symposium on HPLC | Longzhu Shen |
2008 | Bayer-NOBCChE Advancing Science Travel Award | Gizelle Sherwood |
2006 | Eli Lily-ACS Women Chemists Committee Travel Award | Andrea Lynn Benvin |
2006 | Joseph Breen Memorial Fellowship, ACS Green Chemistry Institute | Delia-Laura Popescu |
2005 | American Chemical Society POLY Division Travel Award | Jessica R. Cooper |
Conference Awards
Year | Award | Recipient |
2017 | Most Outstanding Poster: Polymer Chemistry Division, ACS National Meeting | Thomas Ribelli |
2014 | ACS Polymer Chemistry Best Poster Award, ACS National Meeting | Joanna Burdynska |
2013 | American Association for Aerosol Research Poster Award | Adam Ahern |
2013 | Best Research in Fluorescence Microscopy, Single Molecule Biophysics Conference, Aspen | Saumya Saurabh |
2013 | Best Poster Award, Gordon Conference for Photochemistry, Boston | Saumya Saurabh |
2011 | ACS Polymer Chemistry Best Poster Award, ACS National Meeting, Denver | Mingjiang Zhong |
2011 | Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority Fellowship, Gordon Research Conference | Racquel Jemison |
2011 | Chair's Outstanding Poster Presentation Award, Bioorganic Chemistry Gordon Research Conference | Raman Bahal |
2010 | ACS Scholarship for Leadership Training, "Collaborating Across Boundries," Boston, MA | Alper Nese |
2006 | Honorable Mention for Best Poster at International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry | Anna Zatsman |