Instrument Reservations
- Users must be trained before using any CMA instrument.
- You must make a reservation in advance to use any CMA instrument using the calendar.
- Canceling a Reservation: Reserved time may only be canceled more than 24 hours (1 day) ahead of the reserved time.
- make another entry for the same day and time to be canceled with "CANCEL/last name" in the text field
- Include the time at which you made the cancellation.
- Charging is based on the logon time as monitored. However, the User is responsible for the time reserved on the calendar. If you do not show up to use the instrument, you will still be charged.
- Instrument status updates can be found of the Internet calendars.
- A Green status update means all OK
- A Yellow status update will define a warning but the instrument is available.
- A Red status update mean that the instrument is not available.