Carnegie Mellon University offers an interdisciplinary Ph.D program in Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization (ACO). This program is the first of its kind in the United States. It is administered jointly by the Tepper School of Business (Operations Research group), the Computer Science Department (Algorithms and Complexity group), and the Department of Mathematical Sciences (Discrete Mathematics group).
The mathematics used by computer scientists and operations researchers overlap to a large extent. The boundaries between Operations Research and Computer Science have become blurred. Important new theories and whole fields, like polyhedral combinatorics, have been and are being developed jointly by computer scientists, operations researchers, and applied mathematicians who consider themselves a little bit of both. Presentations of new results on graphs and matroid theory can be heard at Operations Research conferences, while papers on linear programming, network flows, and matchings in graphs are frequently presented at Computer Science conferences. The mathematical content of the papers has become greater and more diverse. Yet, in spite of this, few Ph.D students graduate with an equally solid knowledge of all three areas.
The Ph.D program in Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization at Carnegie Mellon is intended to fill this gap. The program brings together the study of the mathematical structure of discrete objects and the design and analysis of algorithms in areas such as graph theory, combinatorial optimization, integer programming, polyhedral theory, computational algebra, geometry, and number theory.
Below is the list of expert faculty who will serve in the key areas of teaching within the ACO program.
Mathematical Sciences Faculty
Po-Shen Loh
Probabilistic and Extremal Combinatorics, and applications to Theoretical Computer Science...
Computer Science Faculty
Nina Balcan
Machine learning, computational aspects in economics and game theory, algorithms...
Mor Harchol-Balter
Queueing theory, stochastic modeling, probability theory, heavy-tailed workloads, Web servers, networking...
Tuomas Sandholm
Market design, game theory, optimization (integer programming, search, stochastic optimization...)
Operations Research Faculty
Fatma Kılınç-Karzan
Convex optimization, large-scale algorithms, decision making under uncertainty...
Michael Trick
Computational integer and combinatorial optimization, applications in sports and the social sciences...
Willem Van Hoeve
Combinatorial optimization; constraint programming; mathematical programming; integration of constraint programming and mathematical programming...